Saturday, September 13, 2008

BBC misinformation?

The meaning of the word stillborn, as far as I'm aware, is when a baby is born dead - it seems clear cut to me.

The BBC however has other ideas. According to this report on their website:-

An Israeli soldier has been removed from duty and jailed for two weeks for refusing to allow a Palestinian woman in labour to pass through a checkpoint.

The soldier was in command at the checkpoint outside the West Bank city of Nablus. The woman was trying to reach a hospital in the city.

She was forced to give birth at the checkpoint. Her baby was stillborn.

Strangely, further on in the report we get this:-

It took an ambulance from Nablus 50 minutes to get to the checkpoint. At which point the baby was dead.

"At which point the baby was dead". Surely if the baby was stillborn, it was dead before the ambulance even left Nablus or am I missing something here?

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